Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year: Resolutions or 365 Opportunities?

What does a new year bring?  For many it is the time to make New Year Resolutions.  I've never been a big fan...when you look at the definition it states "a firm decision to do or not to do something."  Doesn't really leave any wiggle room, huh?!

The issue I find with resolutions are that when they fail to work out as you intend...you feel just like that...a failure and who wants to feel that? NO ONE!  Once that happens many of us take the approach of "well why bother" so we simply throw the entire resolution out the window.  And in the end no changes are made and that doesn't help anyone especially yourself!

So I am suggesting a different approach...and when I saw this photo it pretty much summed up how I want my 2013 to go...

Instead of coming up with a list of New Year Resolutions...why not view each day as an opportunity? Maybe its an opportunity to go try a new class at the gym...or buy the person's cup of coffee behind you...or forgive an old friend or family member...or better yet simply try to be more positive that day...or say yes when you really want to say no when your kids ask if they can have a cupcake for dessert (at least one time)! 

A list of opportunities is ENDLESS...

If you are a resolutions person may I suggest a great blog post by Mark Merrill that lists 13 Things for 2013. I found this helpful and inspiring for the new year.

Here's to a great 2013 friends...first up on my list...an opportunity to help support my dear friend, Jessica and raise money for the Epilepsy Foundation...while running the Houston Marathon in honor of her son Grant who was diagnosed with epilepsy last August (more to come)...

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