Thursday, January 24, 2013

Someday is Today

Have you ever said "someday I will run a marathon or a half marathon!" I know you have...because many of you have said it to me!

I'm telling you...

That's the new slogan of The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society because LLS is committed to CURES TODAY...not someday.  That's the goal.  And you (we) are at the heart of it!

Did you know?

Team in Training funds approximately 30% of the LLS mission.

Team in Training is celebrating its 25th anniversary in 2013 and in that time has raised $1.3 billion and has trained over half a million people just like you and me

Over the past 60 years LLS has invested more than $875 million in better cancer treatments

In LLS's last reported year 78.1% of monies raised by LLS went directly to research, patient & community services, advocacy and education.

In fiscal year 2011 LLS invested more than $76 million in blood cancer research.  Read specific research successes.

How can you help?

Many of you have supported Will and I as we have trained and fundraised for the past 12 years on our wonderful & exciting adventure with Team in Training especially the past 3 years as we have gone full force into the world of marathons, cycling and triathlons.  Our passion is about helping others and finding a cure for the dreaded disease we call cancer!  Together we have raised $23,120.48 and we aren't about to stop because when you talk about cancer research that is pocket change.   We surely aren't minimizing our efforts...but if you look at the numbers above...cancer research is expensive.  And you can't put a price on a CURE...but we need your help!

SOMEDAY IS TODAY...join the TEAM!  Join the largest charity endurance training program of its kind and witness what all the hype is about!  Summer season is about to kick off February 9 and the events are below.  There are info meetings all over the metroplex...if you aren't in the DFW area...go to the TNT website...or call me, email me, FB me and I'll put you in touch with someone.

It is a decision you will not regret.  It will change your life and it will change other might even change the world.   And if you don't believe this 3 minute video...or full version 6 minute video...both are about the same little girl Emma & her cutting edge treatment...LLS funded $21 million of the research to make this treatment available and to save lives!

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