Monday, December 31, 2012

Closing Out 2012

I don't know what it is but time really does fly by...I feel like 2012 just started and then I blinked and it was over!  I didn't blog nearly as much in 2012 which I somewhat regret but the blog is mainly for our events and our last Team in Training event was in May.  Will and I are both hoping to do another triathlon with TNT in 2013, so watch for the Bacons to return with a new event and new goal, but now I'm getting ahead of myself : )

Back to the present...for the past 6 years I have personally designed our christmas card and as I started out the design for 2012...the word dozen popped in my head.  So my mission was to find a dozen moments in 2012 that were significant to our family.  I have to say there were many chuckles and tears as I looked through a year of photos and picking them proved harder than I thought.

In the see the finished product and each of these photos brings back wonderful memories.

What didn't make it on the card was a mention of me finishing the Dallas Marathon on December 9...and that wasn't really my intention but I kept this race a bit more quiet than the past mainly because I wasn't fundraising and it was more of a personal goal/race.  Plus the kids visiting Santa kind of trumps race day : )

I trained with Luke's Locker and was fortunate to meet some really great people through their program and ultimately I believe I became a stronger runner.  My race goal was lofty...and unfortunately I didn't meet it probably for a variety of reasons...but there will always be other races.  I did shave 2 minutes off my previous marathon so that is a positive.

In the end...I am reminded of why I started running and that was to make a my life but more so in the lives of others.  And I believe if I can keep that my #1 priority in running than I'll always be proud that I make it to the start line AND cross the finish line!

Here's to finishing 2012 - happy, healthy and ready to take on 2013!

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1 comment:

  1. You always amaze me. You are a special person to everyone who knows you. and you are mine in my heart forever and always.
    i love u mom
