Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Our Honored Heros NEED YOUR HELP!

You might have heard in the news recently there is currently a crisis-level shortage of one of the most important medicines required for every Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia protocol: Methotrexate (MTX). Every patient with ALL has this drug in their protocol and even with its ugly side effects it is needed to save lives.

The photo above is a picture of MTX that Grayson is receiving each week.

Please visit the following blogs of our honored heros and take action now! The petitions and letters to your local senators and representatives take a few minutes out of your day but could GIVE A CHILD THEIR LIFETIME!

Just today, Wednesday February 15 Grayson was called in a day early to receive his high dose Methotrexate due to the shortage. Luckily he made counts and is able to receive it and the hospital is aware of the situation and how frightened patients and parents are becoming.

Georgia's Blog - links to CureSearch & St. Baldricks where you simply sign in to send the letters. The blog also has news reports and articles on how serious this is. Georgia's mom, Courtney is very knowledgeable and has done research and is open to answering any questions so please visit the blog.

Grayson's Blog - links to the petition and a personal message from Grayson's mom, Kalee. You can also see some pictures of what is it like for children with leukemia to go through treatments.

LLS Advocacy Community - Take action against drug shortages

Again, please take a moment out of your day to help children like Georgia and Grayson! Your help is greatly appreciated...and please spread the word!

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